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Re: Question for all candidates, was: Google SoC 2007 - we're in, sign up quickly!

MJ Ray wrote:
> Bastian Venthur <venthur@debian.org> wrote:
>> Looks like Google is really everywhere these days. I'm curious about
>> SoC: What where the last year's Debian projects and what was there
>> outcome? Which projects where successful and which failed?

I also mentored a I18N related project. The outcome of the project was
mostly in the way of exploring a specific technical possibility in
cooperation between Debian i18n and Pootle developers that was
implemented in the Pootle codebase.

The outcome of the project was not a working service, but rather some
measures and ideas that have further progressed and should eventually
help make a unified translation portal for Debian packages.

> How would other candidates avoid dropping topics like this? [cc'd to
> -vote for these questions, please drop -project or -vote on replies]

From my experience, there is simply not much further to report on the
topic. Google SoC code either get assimilated and then changed heavily
or dissapears on a side branch. In either case there is little to follow
up on.

Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:aigarius@debian.org
 |     .''`.         Debian GNU/Linux              LAKA         |
 |    : :' :      http://www.debian.org  &  http://www.laka.lv  |
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 |      `-                                                      |

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