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Re: Q 2 all candidates: Usage of debian-announce@lists.d.o and debian-news@lists.d.o

Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
> [...] there are plenty of journos interested in Debian who are
> happy to talk to developers directly if they've got something newsworthy,
> and we've all got the ability to start our own website or mailing list
> with global reach -- the only thing we need to do is build a reputation
> for posting interesting things in our own right, rather than making use
> of the reputation Joey's built for -news or -announce. [...]
> I think he deserves to have people working with him in the way he wants
> rather than just having people given enough access that they can ignore
> him and post whatever they want.

And so, a dichotomy of Joey's way or no way is constructed needlessly?

I think it's a good example of how press is (not) working that we have
a fair number of journalists reading d-d-a, planet and IRC meetings,
so we have to watch what we write everywhere.  I don't think press is
giving reporters what they want (although sometimes I don't want
SJVish hacks to get what they want).

The above message from Anthony Towns looks awfully like another suggestion
that if DDs are unhappy with the current situation, and the responsible
delegate (or delegate's delegate or whatever press is) ignores complaints,
then forking debian's infrastructure is the only option.  I think we've
seen similar claims before and people may remember how much I dislike
that view.

However, this is even worse: in this case, DDs can only *reinvent*
debian's infrastructure, building their own press contacts databases and
hosting their own lists elsewhere.  It's not a case of taking a copy of
something like dak and forking part of the project.  The new DDs simply
don't have access to the current system to copy it.

This unreasonable policy will lead the project into yet more wasted work
and I believe that alone is sufficient reason to dismiss Anthony Towns.

Please, vote NOTA above Anthony Towns!
My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
Please follow http://www.uk.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

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