Re: DPL Debate Volunteers and Format
On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 01:20:06AM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
> I'd like to reiterate the solicitation for volunteers to help run the
> DPL Debate: I need at least two other people who would be willing to
> volunteer to help me both in the organization of the debate (selection
> of initial questions, format suggestions, etc.) and the actual running
> of the debate (selecting questions from the audience, dealing with the
> -discuss channel, etc.) If you wish to volunteer, please e-mail me or
> contact me on IRC (I'm dondelelcaro).
> Also, if any of you have comments about the format of the debate now
> would be an appropriate time to raise them.
> are the rules that we used last year, but they are (of course) totally
> open to revision. [The date and times will of course change depending
> on the candidates availability.]
Schedule permitting, I'd be happy to help out with this again.
- David Nusinow
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