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Re: DPL election IRC Debate - Call for questions

Em Seg, 2005-02-28 às 06:29, Helen Faulkner escreveu:
> We would therefore like to call for suggestions for questions to be put
> to the candidates during the debate.  We hope to be able to choose a set
> of questions which reflect the concerns and interests of Debian
> Developers in general.

Ok, here's a suggestion...

* I had recently post a message to debian-project[1] suggesting that we
could plan structural changes in Debian, I mean, We all know that
"Debian releases when it's ready", but few people know what the "it"
means. For example, if the init maintainers decide to define the locale
environment variables at the boot process, many packages would break
and then Debian would be far from being ready. I'm not criticizing this
structural changes, but I do think that the DPL could coordinate this
sctructural changes in a way more people know what it means by "when
it's ready". I would like the candidates to comment on this topic.


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