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Re: GR Proposal: Declassification of -private

Op ma, 14-11-2005 te 23:24 -0600, schreef Manoj Srivastava:
> ######################################################################
>   In accordance with principles of openness and transparency,
>   Debian will seek to declassify and publish posts of historical or
>   ongoing significance made to the Debian Private Mailing List.
>   This process will be undertaken under the following constraints:
>     * The Debian Project Leader will delegate one or more volunteers
>       to form the "debian-private declassification team".
>     * The team will automatically declassify and publish posts made to
>       that list after three years, with the following exceptions:
>       - the author and any named recipients of messages being reviewed
>         will be contacted, and allowed between four and eight weeks to
> -       comment;
> +       comment; and requests by the authors of the post shall be
> +       honoured. 
>       - posts that reveal financial information about individuals or
>         organisations other than Debian, will have that information
>         removed;
>       - posts of no historical or other relevance, such as vacation
>         announcements, or posts that have no content after personal
>         information is removed, will not be published, unless the
>         author requests they be published;
>       - publication of posts that would reveal otherwise unpublished
>         security vulnerabilities in currently supported releases of a
>         Debian distribution will be deferred;
> -     - requests by the authors of posts, or others who would be
> +     - requests by people other than the author who would be
>         affected by the publication of the post, will be taken into
>         account by the declassification team;
>       - the list of posts to be declassified will be made available to
>         developers two weeks before publication, so that the decisions
>         of the team may be overruled by the developer body, if
>         necessary.
> ######################################################################

I second this proposal, in this form. It's just the sensible thing to
do, while I agree with your note that you don't want to force people to
make their private posts public.

Perhaps a sensible compromise between your position and Anthony's could
be to propose that requests of authors be honoured unless a compelling
reason to the contrary is presented and explained, yada yada. But I'm
not going to push it that far that I'll propose a second amendment to
that effect.

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