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Re: followup to my time-management question

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:25:35 +1000, Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> said: 

> Wesley J Landaker wrote:
>> I don't see anything like that in the constitution--in fact, there
>> isn't even anything in there about a "Compaign Period", only about
>> a perioud during which no candidates can be nominated, and a note
>> that candidates *should* use this time for campaigning.

> The go-to guy for constitutional interpretation is the
> secretary. He's the guy who set up the website for the vote, viz:

> 	http://www.debian.org/vote/2005/vote_001

> That site gives explicit start and end times for the campaigning
> period.

> I expect he'd be willing to listen to arguments for varying that
> interpretation, but it's been very consistent tradition in Debian
> that all the arguments are aired and finished before voting opens.

	While it is true that there is nothing explicit in the
 constitution prohibiting campaigning before or after the period
 mentioned when candidates are exhorted to introduce themselves and
 their platforms, there has always been a tacit gentleman's agreement
 amongst candidates in this and past elections that has the actual
 campaigning be restricted to the middle 3 weeks of the election

	While there are no constitutional prohibitions, I also note
 that the constitution does not govern everything, including conducts
 of candidates; and following long standing tradition has its merits.

	I would have thought, personally, that three weeks is long
 enough a period to get to know the candidates and their views, and
 certainly effort has been put forth to make that task as easy as it
 can be for individual project members, including published platforms,
 widely publicized open debates, long mailing list discussions.  While
 it may be edifying to drag this process out, I would think that doing
 so needlessly detracts from our efforts towards putting together the
 best possible operating system that one can have, no?

    4. For three weeks after that no more candidates may be nominated;
       candidates should use this time for campaigning (to make their
       identities and positions known). 
    5. The next three weeks are the polling period during which
       Developers may cast their votes. Votes in leadership elections are
       kept secret, even after the election is finished.

Howe's Law: Everyone has a scheme that will not work.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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