Re: General Resolution: Force AMD64 into Sasrge
On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 10:00:24AM -0500, Debian Project Secretary wrote:
> Time Line: Proposal and amendment Tuessday, July 13^th, 2004 -> 2004
> Discussion Period: Tuessday, July 13^th, 2004 -> 2004
> Voting Period 2004 -> 2004
> Proposal 1 Josselin Mouette []
> Proposer:
> Proposal 1 1. Christopher L Cheney []
> Seconds: 2. Robert Millan []
> 3. Xavier Roche []
> 4. Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt []
> 5. Alexander Wirt []
> Proposal 1: Force the AMD64 into Sarge and into Sid, overriding policy
> violations.
I strenuously object to this attempt to override release engineering
decisions by vote, without having tested the viability of the port as a
candidate for sarge. The porting team evidently feel that it's ready for
unstable, and I happen to agree with them there; but I do not believe
that they have the expertise to assess its effect on testing, nor the
highly detrimental effect I expect it to have on the release timelines
that we're currently attempting to put together following the last
couple of bug-squashing parties.
I think it is extremely unwise to set a precedent of overriding
technical decisions for essentially political reasons, and I do not
think that the release management team should view this pending vote as
a blocking issue for sarge.
I would like my objections to be registered on the ballot somehow, but I
don't really have time to put together an amendment. Can anybody help
[1] Note that I am not referring to the archive maintenance team.
Colin Watson (Release Assistant) []
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