Re: Candidate questions/musings
Gergely Nagy <> writes:
> > Recent "leaders" have all been coordinator type people. And while
> > that's fine... they've all been nice, intelligent, thoughtful
> > people who are of course very dedicated to the project... none of
> > them seems to have really done much to take Debian anywhere new
> > and interesting.
> A leader can't really lead a project as huge as Debian wherever
> he/she wants to, unless the project agrees and supports it.
Of course, but good leaders are good at getting people to follow them.
Bruce (modulo the occasional outburst) was pretty good at this for
instance, and is doing a good job with UserLinux, it would seem.
> Nor should all the ideas come from the leader only, we are not a
> bunch of dumb sheeps, are we?
No, but the leader can set the tone in some ways, I think. Especially
for aspects of the project that are not strictly technical.
> If there is nothing interesting going on in Debian (and I think
> that's not true, even though I haven't been paying much attention to
> mailing list in the last couple of months), that's not necessarily
> the fault of our leader.
No, that wasn't really my point though.
> Besides, without a project leader, a person to contact, who would
> take Debian seriously? I wouldn't, that's for sure.
I'm not saying Debian shouldn't have a leader! Hardly. Martin, Bdale
and their predecessors have done a great job of representing the
project to the rest of the world. No complaints there!
> AFAICS the project to make it easier to build custom debian based
> distros would solve this "problem" nicely. (I must say that I like
> that 13cds - if I need something, it is handy. If I just want to
> install the core system, I burn the first cd, and if I need
> something that's not on it, it is still aptable, no problem there)
I think custom distros are part of the answer, but it needs to be
managed carefully so as to avoid diluting the Debian brand.
> Though I'm not a leader, and I hope I won't even get close to it,
> I'll be happy to kick your ass for even thinking about not having a
> leader >;]
I think Debian needs a leader - I'll probably vote for Branden, just
to see what happens, although I'm not wild about his legalistic bent.
David N. Welton
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