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Re: Call for votes for the Condorcet/Clone proot SSD voting methodsGR


Hamish Moffatt wrote:
>  I heard that new Australian citizens
> are told that their two responsibilities as Australian citizens are
> jury duty and voting.
No paying taxes? Cool!  ;-)

> I suppose it would be unworkable for Debian though.

Personally, I'd rather have ten voters who are interested in the outcome of a 
vote (and therefore might be assumed to make an informed decision), than 1000 
who only vote because it's compulsory (and therefore vote without enaging 
their higher brain functions).

The Australian vote is secret, so if somebody truly doesn't want to vote they 
can easily submit an empty ballot. For Debian, the equivalent would be a 
ballot with every option ranked equally. Thus a compulsory vote is 
ineffective WRT determined non-voters and only serves to dilute the result.  

Matthias Urlichs  |  {M:U} IT Design @ m-u-it.de  |   smurf@smurf.noris.de
Disclaimer: Das Zitat wurde zufällig ausgewählt.  |   http://smurf.noris.de
Das Atü wurde ja auch abgeschafft, jetzt soll man nur noch das Bar
verwenden.  Seither macht die Feuerwehr "Tbartata Tbartata."

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