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Quorum and factors of two [Was: Re: Status update on the election]

On Sun, 31 Mar 2002 17:04:01 -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>>"Richard" == Richard Braakman <dark@xs4all.nl> writes:
>Richard> On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 08:27:59PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>> Quorum issues. We have currently 746 gpg keys, 479 pgp keys, and
>>> 1043 unique users in LDAP.  LDAP does mention people who have left
>>> the project, so the actual number (which I shall determine
>>> authoritatively once the vote scripts are done) should be less than
>>> 1043, which translates roughly to a quorum of 100. We have 173
>>> valid ballots, so, even allowing for revotes, the quorum has been
>>> met.
>Richard> Shouldn't that be a quorum of roughly 50?  
>   Well, yes. I said it wasn't official! ;'). I missed the 1/2
>part. In any case, the quorum is resoundly met.

To pick a nit here, "quorum", as used in the Debian Constitution,
doesn't carry the usual meaning of the number of people who must
participate in a vote for the result to carry, but rather the number
of votes that must prefer the winning option to the default
option. (See section A.6.8.)  For election of the DPL, the default
option is None Of The Above (section 5.2.7).  As a result, you can't
tell exactly how many votes are required to meet the quorum without
looking at the votes.

That said, unless None Of The Above wins outright, a quorum should be
met here. If the winning candidate is preferred to None Of The Above
by just over half of the voters, then we compare the quorum (around
46, as I understand it) to half the number of valid votes (which is
now over 250, per http://people.debian.org/~srivasta/vote.png).  So
Manoj's factor of two was about right after all, if not entirely for
the correct reasons.

In any event, the quorum is resoundingly met, even allowing for
revotes, as Manoj pointed out.

--Miguel Wooding
[Debian user but not Debian Developer at present; just interested in
the project and the process.] 

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