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Re: Proposed General Resolution: IRC as a Debian communication channel

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Schulze <joey@debian.org> writes:

    Martin> * Debian can't treat valuable contributors like it's done actually on IRC.
    Martin>   Kicking a person who naturally has its place within the developer's
    Martin>   community (because of his interest and his work) is not reasonable.
    Martin>   (Personal note: this kind of behavior gives Debian its bad image of a
    Martin>    closed community preaching openness)

 Excellent.  I'll never forget the hurt feelings I experienced the day
 I logged into #debian-devel and was greeted with something like "oh,
 look, it's f**kwit", etc.  Should I name names?

 It's their reputation, not mine.  And they are _not_ in the majority;
 just more "vocal" - they type in the wrong window all day.

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