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Re: Problem with /var/cache/apt/archives/


On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 03:03:38PM +0100, john doe wrote:
> On 12/16/23 14:45, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
> > When I installed the OS I selected the option for separate /var
> > etc, and selected the default sizes of the partitions.


> > Can I increase the size of the /var partition on the ssd without
> > having to reinstall the system?
> LVM is one way to avoid this! ;^)

I really think that the partitioning section of the installer should
warn people in strong terms that creating multiple partitions to
directly use as filesystems is something they need to be sure they
want, and that if they're looking for flexible layout they should
use LVM or btrfs.

It's quite common to see here requests for help from non-experts who
heard that splitting their OS over multiple partitions was a good
idea, but sized them in a way that didn't stand the test of time —
including trusting that the suggested values will suffice.

It is hard to correctly make such decisions and most of the time
either a single partition or logical volume management is a better

The OP is potentially in for quite a lot of work to sort this out,
where a mistake can result in having to reinstall.


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