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Re: Is it safe to install Bookworm on a new machine now?

On 15/12/2023 02:48, Kevin Price wrote:

"The bug" (Bug#1057967 & Bug#1057969) occurs only in kernel version
6.1.66-1 (package -6.1.0-15, released with bookworm 12.4). No other
debian kernel version has this bug. It might not affect you, and it can
be remedied/worked around. If it does affect you, it won't fry your
filesystem, but the computer won't run properly under this kernel,
causing a lots of problems, making your computer largely unusable during
this runtime.
As soon as you've
updated to 6.1.67-1 (6.1.0-16, about to come), any remedies/workarounds
should be safe to be reverted.
Presumably some of the folks in this list/thread might come
up with even more possible remedies/workarounds.

If you don't want to wait for 6.1.67-1 to arrive in Bookworm stable, it is available in bookworm-proposed-updates [1][2], so one workaround would be to temporarily add that repository [3] to apt sources before upgrading. Debian point release 12.4 has just gone out, so right now there are relatively few other packages in bookworm-proposed-updates which might have complicated the situation.

That workaround seems to have worked for me today, FWIW.

[1] https://tracker.debian.org/news/1485406/accepted-linux-signed-amd64-61671-source-into-proposed-updates/

[2] https://wiki.debian.org/StableProposedUpdates

[3] deb https://deb.debian.org/debian stable-proposed-updates main contrib non-free non-free-firmware


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