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Re: raid10 is killing me, and applications that aren't willing to wait for it to respond

tomas@tuxteam.de (12023-12-14):
> I've skimmed some of the answers, and they correspond to your confusing
> request. Someone mentions DNS timeouts to rule them out right away (do
> you access your RAID over the net? Is DNS resolution involved at all?)

He quoted:

>> Error creating proxy: Error calling StartServiceByName for
>> org.gtk.vfs.GPhoto2VolumeMonitor: Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24)

That means the issue is in the DBus monster moussaka¹. The odds of
finding a solution in the current circumstances are vanishingly thin.


  Nicolas George

1: Some software are a mess of dependencies and calls, like the pipes in
a gasworks factory; some software are worse.

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