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Re: ToG Linux (first draft of a RFC) ...

On 12/9/23, Greg Wooledge <greg@wooledge.org> wrote:
>> On 09.12.23 at 10:13, Albretch Mueller wrote:
>> >   As anyone could see you could even run a network of detached
>> > computers without networking interfaces in a "touch of God" kind of
>> > way ...

 Thank you. I should have more clearly stated that those computing
devices would go each about their particular business situationally in
an air-gapped mode to then each go about their "collective
intelligence" on a separate computer, a "server" of sorts.

> What I don't understand is what these computers would be *doing*.  Why
> does he need them at all?  If he needs them, why does he need them to
> be detached from each other and from the rest of the world?

 These days, everything from microwave ovens to pacemakers are
computing devices, but why should they be wifi-enabled? People don't
seem to even realize that since the 1990's they have been driving
computers on wheels. Then you hear that Vladimir Putin assassinated
Michael Hastings for saying the same Joe Biden said only two decades
before; you hear targeted individuals talking about of smoke rings
(something that can't happen in nature by itself) to then hear about
COVID-19 and how it was all started in China by some dissident
"freedom-loving" bats, ... I even heard once as part of those marginal
comments you hear which make you go like, say what?, that courtesy of
U.S. tax payers the CIA was giving money to Ukrainian people but in
order to get it they had to use their cell phones ;-)

 Think monitoring devices in hospitals, schools, power plants, ... I
once heard that some "intelligence department" knew the grounding
truth about some matter which happened in some remote place in Russia,
because they had been monitoring the cell phones of not only "we the
people", but even the police and, of course, when you hear such thing,
since neither Physics nor "God" have "blue-eyed sons" (contrary to
what some Israelis/Jewish people may think) or as they say "what is
good for the goose is good for the gander", that also means that "the
Chinese", "Russians", ... are able to do the same thing (of course, in
their case they do it "because they hate freedom"). Now, imagine that
at least the police would use a "ToG network" (to call it something)
without any networking capabilities on a hard- and software level
(just the necessary functionality, for example, passively getting GPS
coordinates for which you don't need the whole networking stack) for
their computing devices with a One-Time pad lease for the session they
will be using it (and they would be physically powered for the amount
of time they need to be used) which they must relinquish after each
day of work to their base and which data would be encrypted (reusing
the initial OTP) in ways that only the server which leased the OTP
would be able to decrypt. Think of how they hacked the enigma machine
and how Nazis suspected such a thing to have happened:


 What could those "freedom hating" Chinese, "what the heck is freedom"
Russians, all those "intelligence departments", ... do about any of

> The only things I can imagine are ...

> Whatever he's doing, I'm confident he won't tell us, or at least not in
> a way I'll be able to understand.

 I explained the basic idea to a friend over the phone and clarified
to him a number of doubts he had about it. He got it. He also realized
that it wasn't much of a hassle, really. And he told me that I come up
with such ideas because I have been forced to look at reality from a
different point of view. In a Hegelian, karmic way it is a good thing
that people looking at reality from different vantage points can talk
to one another, even though, as they say, "misunderstanding is as
mutual as love should be".  No XY problem whatsoever, and I am not
trying to hide anything from anyone (whatever "hiding", "privacy", ...
could possibly mean these days). As Mike Rogers (of Pink Floyd fame)
said when he was being accused of being a racist, anti-zionist or a
zionist, (or whatever he was accused of), ...: "if I am, at the very
least, I should be conscious of it".

 Keeping an external drive you never connect to the Internet could be
understood as a sneakernet aspect of it.


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