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Re: Boot Problem

Am Dienstag, 5. Dezember 2023, 18:56:48 CET schrieb Stephen P. Molnar:
Not good! You have to start startx from the shell.

However, when you see the login screen (gdm, lightdm, kdm, whatever), that 
means, the X-server is running and ok.

So you have a problem with XFCE.

Look at ~/.config/xfce4 and move this folder out of the way.

Also look in your /home directory, if any files are set ownership root:root. 
This caqn happen, when you change from a normal user to root. I had this 
problem, that .xerrors were set to ownership root:root thus X started no more. 
So iz might be, that some files of XFCE are set root:root,m and can not be 

So my suggestion: move any folders related to xfce4 away (just to somewhere 
else) and try it again.

If XFCE4 is starting, move all the removed files partly back and see, which is 
causing the problem.

Hope this helps.



> Xfce4 graphical login screen
> On 12/05/2023 12:47 PM, Tom Furie wrote:
> > "Stephen P. Molnar" <s.molnar@sbcglobal.net> writes:
> >> I have Bookworm installed on a 1TB SSD. When I attempted logging this
> >> morning I failed! Rather than opening my XFCE desktop I was sent back
> >> tot he login screen, over and over and ................. I got the
> > 
> > When you say "back to the login screen", do you mean back to a graphical
> > login screen, or to a text console login screen?

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