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Re: Boot Problem

On 05.12.2023 23:33, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
I decided to try something. I logged in to the rescue  mode as root and entered startx at the prompt. This generated the error:

Unable to contact settings server
failed to execute child process "dbus-launch" (No such file or directory)

I vaguely remember having similar behavior as you described in the first message, but I can't recall what was the root cause of that problem.
Probably it was Xfce4 user session failing to start because of config file or cache corruption.
Try to create a new test user and login using these new credentials, just to test it out.

It would be great if you'd also share an information about your system, installed version of Xfce, etc.
Contents of log files in your user's home directory "~/.xsession-errors" and "~/.xfce4-session.verbose-log".
You can use Debian Pastezone [1] to share long text files.

[1] https://paste.debian.net/
With kindest regards, Alexander.

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