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Re: time question, as in ntp?

> So I put the dhcpd-server on this machine and it worked exact as Dan said it
> would.  Then I enabled ntpsec to serve and thats working to the whole world.
> But the chrony on the printer is stuck in the PST timezone, ignoring the
> contents of /etc/timezone.

In Unix/Linux/Posix, time is counted in "seconds since the epoch" and is
timezone-agnostic.  The timezone is only used when converting to/from
this number of seconds from/to the usual "year/month/day/hour/minutes/...".

> So the printer is 4 hours behind me here on
> US/Eastern or America/NewYork zone, both seem to work correctly here.

"The printer" is probably not 4 hours behind anything.  Presumably it's
just some part of the printer's software which chooses to use PST when
*displaying* time information.

> So the next question is, is ntpsec serving my time, or utc.

It's serving *the* time :-)


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