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Re: Firefox, was: Telnet

On Mon, 4 Dec 2023, Michael Kj?rling wrote:

On 4 Dec 2023 10:29 +0000, from debianuser@woodall.me.uk (Tim Woodall):
Some years ago I abandoned firefox because there was no way to override
one of its 'I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that' spasms.

It's crazy that they make things like certificate pinning *impossible*
to override.

Firefox deprecated support for HPKP in version 72 in January 2020, in
response to their issue 1412438. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1412438

Yes, I know. I don't recall now if this was the last straw that broke
the camel's back but firefox adopted a habit of deciding that things
'shouldn't be done' so leave no way to say 'yes, I know what I'm doing'

IIRC they did something daft with self-signed certificates as well.

chrome based browsers aren't much better but I've yet to be hit by going
from working to not working without an intervening 'are you sure'.

Anyway, I was a netscape/mozilla devotee since the 90s, but other than
those 'never update' VMs I don't use it now. I still use lynx - although
there is less and less that works, the browser itself has never failed
to 'do its best'

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