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Re: time question, as in ntp?

On 30/11/2023 23:12, Andy Smith wrote:
Unless you have a dedicated time source (e.g. GPS receiver, atomic
decay source, …)

A nitpick. I am puzzled by the word "decay" in this context. Electron transition between energy states in atomic clocks is not decay.

Nuclear decay is hardly related to clocks as well. Observation of photon frequency change due to propagation in gravitational field of the Earth was a really impressive experiment. However radioactive decay was just a means to get excited nuclei. Emission and absorption of gamma rays is still a transition between energy states, not a decay. Anyway I am unaware of *clocks* based on Mössbauer effect. Despite extreme precision in respect to frequency change, difficulties with implementation make it impractical.

As to a GPS receiver, it should be doable and 169.254.x.y addresses will not be an issue any more. Be careful with cables when connecting it however:

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