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Re: Little issue with kernel since version 6.x

Yes, only. And no I can not.

Does your EEEPc only has an i686 CPU?

Use lscpu to find out or google the name of the CPU.

Maybe you can install amd64 to verify it only occurs in i386.

No, there is no option to switch it off. It is (was) set by the OS (sincerly WindowsXP). And yes, edd=off ignores any EDD.

EDD     BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive Services (EDD) is enabled

Is that what controls edd=off?



What happens when you enable the "BIOS-RAM"?

Can not be enabled.

Yes, latest BIOS is install (but it is from 2010, just an old hardware)

How is that setting called in the BIOS?

Did you install the latest BIOS?




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