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Re: Looking for inspiration/advice/best practices on system upgrade

DdB wrote: 
> while still on debian buster (old-old-stable soon), i am approaching the
> point, where i will be ready to upgrade. I do have backup(s) from
> different points in time, and can carry out restore to a VM, that is
> almost identical to my main system, that i can use as a playground for
> playing through the whole process.
> But i could not yet decide upon the right way to progress, 3
> alternatives coming to mind:
> 1. Upgrade from current configuration using upgrade path tools (apt) and
> plan only one step (going to bullseye) at a time, eventually having to
> upgrade a second time later.

Upgrade buster to bullseye, reboot, upgrade to bookworm.

Solve the final set of problems, not all the intermediates which
may have been fixed.

> >From my past experiences, i recall one problem, that i am still
> suffering from: the file group and user owners, that reside on a
> different disk set (on a ZFS pool, to be more precise). In order to
> alleviate the problem, i did at one point fetch an older /etc/group and
> passwd file from a backup and created a mess. I'd love to straigthen
> this out now.

If you have owner/group problems now, solve them before any of the


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