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Re: efi problem

mick.crane wrote:
> On 2023-04-23 00:56, songbird wrote:
>> mick.crane wrote:
>>> I suspect the GPU is suspect because there are small blocks of pixels
>>> appearing where they aren't wanted.
>>> I'd like to re-install the OS as I've got copies of everything I 
>>> think.
>>> Just to see if it's maybe a driver issue.
>>> Thing is I can't get the f12 options screen of the PC to let me boot
>>> from a CD in this EFI mode what's grub done.
>>> How can I boot from CD in this EFI mode?
>>   what does efibootmgr say when you run it from the
>> root prompt?
>>   mine lists the CD drive and if i change the boot
>> order to put that first it will boot from that device.
>>   man efibootmgr
> root@pumpkin:/home/mick# efibootmgr
> BootCurrent: 0007
> Timeout: 1 seconds
> BootOrder: 0008,0000,000A,0003,0004,0007,0001,0002
> Boot0000* USB Storage Device
> Boot0001  debian
> Boot0002  grubx64-ef5
> Boot0003  Onboard NIC
> Boot0004  Diskette Drive
> Boot0005  Onboard NIC
> Boot0007* debian
> Boot0008* CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive
> Boot000A* P1: KINGSTON SA400S37240G
> Obv. I've installed on this Dell Precision T3600 before, it may have 
> been from a flash drive or it may have been from a CD.
> but likely CD.
> mick@pumpkin:~$ lspci
> 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E5/Core i7 DMI2 (rev 07)
> Is there some way I can say "boot Boot0008 please"?

  yes, man efibootmgr would have told you:

efibootmgr -o 0008,0000,000A,0003,0004,0007,0001,0002

and then reboot.

  of course, if you want the above order different you can
change it as you wish.

  boot current can be ignored for the moment.  check it after
you reboot to make sure it has changed to what you want it to

  boot next may sometimes be useful (see man page).  in your
case using 

# efibootmgr -n 0008

  would set 0008 as the next time (and one time use only)
boot entry.  but if you want this to be a permanent change
you have to set it using the -o option.

  as an example of adding a new one - sometimes grub updates 
wipe out my refind entry so i have to put it back in using:

efibootmgr -c -L Debian_Refind -l "\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI"

  and then i set it as my preferred first one:

efibootmgr -o 0,1,5,6,7

  of course my list is different than yours...


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