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Re: efi problem

On 2023-04-22 19:05, DdB wrote:
Am 22.04.2023 um 19:30 schrieb mick.crane:
I suspect the GPU is suspect because there are small blocks of pixels
appearing where they aren't wanted.
I'd like to re-install the OS as I've got copies of everything I think.
Just to see if it's maybe a driver issue.
Thing is I can't get the f12 options screen of the PC to let me boot
from a CD in this EFI mode what's grub done.
How can I boot from CD in this EFI mode?


My neighbor has an old laptop without a CD drive. But there is a linux
running (ubuntu). So what i did is this:
i did download (and check) an ISO-file to boot from (debian- or ubuntu-
live versions) and googled for the appropriate stanza for grub to handle
booting from that ISO file. Then i did modify the /etc/grub.d/41_custom
file, to make sure, grub will include that stanza on update-grub
But if you only want to boot it only once, you could - on boot, while
seeing the grub menu, enter "c" to open a command line and enter the
necessary commands by hand. (I liked to learn, what grub has to offer
for cases of emergency. Can come in handily, if you - or a friend - gets
stuck on boot.)

BTW: IIRC, grub is able to start an efi-shell, if needed, to force boot
options that way. But my neighbor did not have uefi. Whereas I do, and -
although i am lazy and prefer automation, i had to boot up manually via
UEFI several times.

What i am saying is: it is possible, but not exactly trivial. Learning
is involved and desirable.

Have fun
This sounds encouraging.
Any idea what the correct manifestation would be to get the PC to boot the debian installer CD? What as wrong with boot from CD, disk 1, disk 2, some convoluted network connection?

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