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Re: /etc/fstab question (problem)?

On Tue, 18 Apr 2023 10:59:19 -0400
Default User <hunguponcontent@gmail.com> wrote:

> What to do?

I suspect that what you need to do is:

1) Preserve the current contents of /tmp,

2) Adjust fstab to include the /tmp partition,

3) Mount the /tmp partition

4) Restore the contents of /tmp

You should probably do all of this in single user mode so you don't
have other processes changing things while you're doing this. In
multi-user mode, a process might have a tmp file open, which could
also cause problems.

All of this assumes that the backup from step 1 will fit onto the /tmp
partition. Otherwise you may have to do some manual trimming.

1) Use tar or equivalent to preserve the current contents of /tmp. Then
delete the contents of /tmp. Your Timeshift backups might be recent
enough; check that they include everything currently in /tmp.

2) Copy the lines for /tmp from fstab.original to fstab. Ensure that
the UUIDs are correct, and that you are specifying the partition you
want. Check to see if you are missing any other partitions while you
are at it.

3) Mount the /tmp partition. You will likely find that there are old
files in the partition. You can probably delete them, but the more
paranoid types will preserve them first.

4) Restore the contents of /tmp from the backup you made in step 1.

Good luck!

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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