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Re: Syslog/Rsyslog/Systemctl issue

On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 05:22:23PM +0100, Sioban wrote:
> Here is the output.
> ❯ systemctl cat rsyslog.service

That looks exactly like mine.  So that's probably fine.

> Requires=syslog.socket

This is the only part of it that looks like a "dependency".  Maybe
this is the thing that's breaking?  You can try
"systemctl status syslog.socket" and see if it gives anything useful.

> I'm pretty sure the issue is not with Rsyslog, but with another service that
> cannot start preventing rsyslog to start through systemctl (a dependency).
> Starting Rsyslog by hand is just fine.

How did you do that?  "By hand" can mean a lot of different things.

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