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Re: OT: apache in shared environment

Am 29. September 2022 07:31:56 MESZ schrieb Sven Hartge <sven@svenhartge.de>:
>basti <mailinglist@unix-solution.de> wrote:
>> Is there a way to get http2 work with mod_itk?
>If mod_itk *needs* preforking, then nothing can be done.

At least not with a single instance of Apache. But why not run multiple Apaches? The one on port 80+443 with http2 enabled (the frontend) and the other one with itk on some other port? (the backend)

Maybe it even works with two different virtuals?

Serving the brackend's  data on the frontend. 

Alternatively some other http2 as frontend (you don't need two Apaches, some lighttp, nginx, whatever... would do).

This way you can even hide some old non-ssl/tls server behind a modern http3+tls1.3 frontend. 


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