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Re: libvirt tools and keyfiles

Celejar writes:


I'm trying to use virt-manager / virt-viewer to access the console of
some qemu / kvm virtual machines on a remote system over ssh. I have
public key access to root@remote_system. When I do:

virt-manager -c 'qemu+ssh://root@remote_system/system?

the connection to libvirt on the remote system comes up fine, and I can
see the various VMs running there, but when I try to access a VM
console (via the "Open" button or "Edit / Virtual Machine Details"), I
get prompted for the password for "root@remote_system" (which doesn't
even work, since password access is disabled in the ssh server

What do you insert for `remote_system`? A hostname or an IP?

IIRC I once tried to use an IP address directly (qemu+ssh://user@192.168.YYY.YYY), and while it would perform the initial connection successfully, subsequent actions would query me for the password of (user@masysma-...) i.e. change from IP-address-based (which was configured to use a key in .config/ssh) to hostname based (for which the key was not specified in the config. I solved this by adding the hostname to /etc/hosts and configuring SSH and my virt-manager connection to use the hostnames rather than IP addresses.

I also remember that I had to add the connection to my GUI user's .ssh/config AND my root user's .ssh/config. In my case, I am not specifying the keyfile as part of the connection, though.




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