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Re: OT: anybody uses eero 6 WiFi router?

On 14.01.2022 07:22, Juan R.D. Silva wrote:

Wikipedia says:

"On 3 August 2018, MikroTik routers were found to have been compromised by the Coinhive cryptocurrency malware."

"Beginning in June 2021, a botnet composed of unprotected Mikrotik devices created huge volumes of application-layer traffic using http pipelining, resulting in DDOS. The net was named Mēris (or Meris) by Qrator. Yandex reported attacks beginning August 4 2021 (over 5 million requests per second) with a massive attack on September 5, 2021 reaching almost 22 million RPS (requests per second). Cloudflare acknowledged an attack at over 17 million RPS in July 2021. The botnet appeared to be composed of 250,000 devices."

Nice try Alexaner. :-)

Thanks anyway.

Huh? Try? There are no tries.
You've asked "to share your experience/opinion", so I gave you my personal recommendation.

As for reported "compromises", you always have to read between the lines.
If you connect a device to WAN network you have to configure it properly, otherwise anything could happen to it and it doesn't matter who manufactured it. RISC architecture hardware coupled with RouterOS is a powerful tool and it is end-user's responsibility to secure it and maintain it, not just leaving it there with open service ports and default or even changed login\password.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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