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Re: Where do I find the definitive man page for mdadm?

On Sat 13 Nov 2021 at 07:26:04 (-0500), Gene Heskett wrote:

> My mdadm manpage does not show the -S command. Scanniing it again to make 
> sure, probably for about the 10th time and I finally found it but many 
> megabytes of relatively unimportant drivel down from the top, IMO the 
> manpage is missleading as such an important option ought to be shown on 
> the first screenfull.

You could sponsor it—just reply to one of those junk emails,
"Get top page ranking!"

Serously, you need only type /\-S into less, if you set it as
your manpage viewer,  export MANOPT="-P less"

I would make one small criticism of some manpages; for example:
chmod has its arguments documented in running text, whereas a
table would be much easier to scan:

  A combination of the letters ugoa controls which users' access
  to the file will be changed:
    u     the user who owns it,
    g     other users in the file's group,
    o     other users not in the file's group,
    a     all users.
    none  the effect is as if (a) were given, but bits
          that are set in the umask are not affected.

compared with:

  A combination of the letters ugoa controls which users'
  access to the file will be changed: the user  who  owns
  it  (u),  other  users  in  the file's group (g), other
  users not in the file's group (o), or  all  users  (a).
  If  none  of  these  are given, the effect is as if (a)
  were given, but bits that are set in the umask are  not


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