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Re: [OT] Re: Social-media antipathy (was Re: How i can optimize my operating system?)

On 23-03-2021 06:06, deloptes wrote:
> Weaver wrote:
>> Not an easy language to learn, however, unless you already have Slavic
>> roots.
> You mean Chinese is easier than Russian and Russian is harder than French?
> And I mean not only speaking, but also writing

 Yes, once you understand the structure of Mandarin, it's not hard to
get on top of it.
Russian is harder than French, but the French find it easier to learn
than most, because they are already familiar with concepts such as verb
conjugation, which they both share.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.

— Lucius Annæus Seneca.

Terrorism, the new religion.

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