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Re: Btrfs best practices


Em [2021-12-16 qui 14:55:23-0300], Eduardo M KALINOWSKI escreveu:

> On 16/12/2021 14:13, Jorge P. de Morais Neto wrote:
>> I'll put system and /home on the SSD but all XDG user dirs² on the
>> HDD [snip]
> I don't have that manpage installed, but if you're refering to
> ~/.config, ~/.local, etc, these are exactly the kinds of things that
> should be on the SSD - it'll help with application startup times as
> files in those directories are read when applications start.

No, I was referring to:


> As for the other questions, I cannot help specifically, but as a
> general advice, don't overthink it and don't bother trying to optimize
> everything up to the smallest details.  Unless you have some very
> specific use, default settings are good enough, you should'nt notice
> any different in day to day use.

Thank you for the advice!  I will think about it.  I must not return to
the days when I riced Gentoo for hours every week trying to gain a tiny
bit of extra performance.  There must be moderation.


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