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Re: Btrfs best practices

On 16/12/2021 14:13, Jorge P. de Morais Neto wrote:
I'll put system and /home on the
SSD but all XDG user dirs² on the HDD [snip]

I don't have that manpage installed, but if you're refering to ~/.config, ~/.local, etc, these are exactly the kinds of things that should be on the SSD - it'll help with application startup times as files in those directories are read when applications start.

Put large files (photos, music, video, etc) on the HD. For everything else, prefer the SSD.

As for the other questions, I cannot help specifically, but as a general advice, don't overthink it and don't bother trying to optimize everything up to the smallest details. Unless you have some very specific use, default settings are good enough, you should'nt notice any different in day to day use.

The best way to get rid of worries is to let them die of neglect.


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