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Re: OpenSMTPD won't start as part of systemd

On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 01:16:12AM -0400, Paul M. Foster wrote:
A lot to examine...

If you've got journald installed and configured (likely) you can narrow
it down a little with journalctl. You want messages from the beginning
of the last boot up until the point that opensmtpd complained.

   journalctl -xb --until="YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

One thing stands out. There is an error of sorts in /etc/daemon.log:

Oct 26 17:44:05 dudley systemd-udevd[271]: /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/80-ifupdown.rules: 2 Unknown group 'netdev', ignoring

I "accidentally" deleted the "netdev" group a few days ago. I wonder if that's the reason.

I suspect this is not related. From reading up-ifupdown.rules, it would
seem that the rule only triggers for interfaces marked allow-hotplug,
which implies defined in /etc/network/interfaces and we've established
that your interface is not defined in there.

However it's probably worth restoring the netdev group, just to be sure
(and to silence that warning). It does not have a stable GID but is
allocated from the system range, so do

   # addgroup --system netdev

In terms of your actual problem, if your Ethernet connection is
ever-present and relatively stable, you could consider defining it in
/etc/network/interfaces instead of relying on NetworkManager. I suspect
that would side-step the issue. You would do so by adding something like
this to /etc/network/interfaces

   auto en0
   iface en0 inet dhcp

(or static, if you prefer, see interfaces(5))

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👱🏻	Jonathan Dowland
✎	 jmtd@debian.org
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