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Re: Privacy and defamation of character on Debian public forums

On Tue, 28 Sep 2021 16:34:43 +0100
Jonathan Dowland <jon+debian-user@dow.land> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 07:10:08AM -0400, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:


> > or at least consider it 
> >and have the courtesy to tell me why they can't or won't accept the
> >patch.
> I'm sorry, neither the Xen maintainers nor any other contributors, be
> they volunteers or otherwise, owe you *anything*.

Do you really mean that in the open source world, there is - and should
be - no expectation that a contributor who supplies a patch to a
prominent public project that is rejected should receive at least some
sort of explanation for the decision to reject it? I respect your
opinion, but I would have assumed that basic courtesy and civility, and
the open source ethos in general, suggest otherwise.


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