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Re: Privacy and defamation of character on Debian public forums

On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 07:10:08AM -0400, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
As the original poster, I can say this hits the nail on the head. Most definitely, Andy Smith and others claim a right to call newcomers like me a laughingstock, damned, etc., on the basis of their supposed god-like status.
By overreaction, he clearly means I refused to worship him and his ilk
as the gods they think they are,

I think this is an unreasonable characterisation of Andy Smith which I
invite you to retract. I've read all of his messages on this subject to
this list (at least) and I thought he'd taken great pains to make clear
that he was merely an interested bystander, no more important than
anyone else -- including you!

My bug is marked as patch available. But I am not Google or Amazon. So
I doubt my patch for my bug will ever make it into the distribution.

There is ample evidence that patches and contributions coming from
people who are not part of MegaCorps are regularly and routinely
welcomed. The argument you are trying to put forward here is a strange
straw man.

Apparently I have committed the deadly sin of questioning the gods. If
Debian wants to prove me wrong, then Debian should accept my patch into
the distribution

The psychology in play here (If Debian doesn't accept my patch...) is
laughably transparent.

I don't speak for the Xen maintainers. As a general principle, Debian
maintainers weigh contributions with a number of factors. One of those
factors is to what extent the Contributor is someone who the maintainer
can have a constructive working relationship with. It's a strength of
the project, IMHO, that technical excellence doesn't overrule the other
factors. So, even if your patch is technically excellent (and I have not
studied it to make that assertion), you should bear in mind your other
interactions with the project -- including your unreasonable and
ongoing mischaracterisation of Andy Smith and others -- is highly

or at least consider it and have the courtesy to tell me why they can't or won't accept the

I'm sorry, neither the Xen maintainers nor any other contributors, be
they volunteers or otherwise, owe you *anything*.

Please do not CC me for listmail.

👱🏻	Jonathan Dowland
✎	 jmtd@debian.org
🔗	https://jmtd.net

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