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Re: foolish problem with installer: can't load firmware

On 9/22/21 2:32 AM, tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:

Of course. Lots and lots. This doesn't mean it is a good thing.
Think of that American tractor company (John Deere) where you
can't exchange parts yourself because the built-in software will
notice and refuse to work. And changing that would be a copyright
violation... Think of those inkjet cartridges which have a chip
to stop you from refilling them with your own ink.

Taking always the "practical" route will lead us into full
dependency on three to four big corporations in a very short
time. We as consumers do have a bit of responsibility, too.

End or lecture ;-D

  - t

i don't think your lecture is convincing

some claim they can read binary or reverse-engineer

forcing user to use some ink might violate anti-monopoly law

if printer maker don't enjoy monopoly, user can choose other printer

excluding non-free firmware in official image make little difference to hardware manufacturers

it only cause inconvenience to user

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