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Re: Working for free [was: Offensive variable names]

On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 21:31:33 +0200
Alexandre Garreau <galex-713@galex-713.eu> wrote:

> The mail you answer to sadly didn’t explain concretely what is the 
> payement, and how you can make money from it.  The answer is: selling 
> personal data.  Both what you output, what comes from you, and what
> is inputted to you, what to see.  Knowing what you say, what you see,
> what you like to see, and deciding it sells very profitably nowadays,
> agueably more than oil.

But is it all a fraud? OK, I know I'm not typical, but I don't notice
advertisements. I use various means to block most, but even the ones I
see simply don't register. I don't generally buy things advertised,
partly because I don't want to subsidise the whole advertising thing,
but partly because what gets advertised is what the manufacturers find
hardest to shift in adequate numbers. 

Good products are bought repeatedly, and people tell each other about
them. They don't need advertising. Back when we had TV advertisements
for beer, it was always the rubbish beers that got the publicity.
Courage would advertise John Courage, their poorest beer. They never
advertised Directors', or the bottled Russian Stout, or Bulldog ale.

As for 'targetted advertising', I've never seen any. When I notice the
ads around the sides of web pages, none of them are aimed at me, and
very few are aimed at anyone outside the US. So is this obsession with
collecting personal data on people actually paying off?


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