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Re: Server setup


On 2021-06-13 1:52 p.m., Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> On 6/13/21 7:53 PM, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
>> Hi,
>>>> I have a choice of OS and it does a great job running Debian Buster.
>>>> But...
>>>> The "standard" installation give me one partition in RAID mirror ( 3 x 2
>>>> To). So I get only a big root partition and nothing else....
>>>> I don't have access to my server with a KVM, so all has to be done thru
>>>> the network using a recovery (rescue) option. That is, I was able to
>>>> reboot in rescue mode, use debootstrap to populate a new system.
>>>> Where it did fail was for the reboot.
>>> Hi Polyna-Maude,
>>> I didn't understand what you problems were. Using GPT partition table
>>> with BIOS (not UEFI) is just fine therefore you have "BIOS boot"
>>> partition for the second stage of Grub. If you have problems with
>>> partitioning or other part of initial Debian installation I recommend to
>>> ask OVH's support. In the past they had wizard where you can configure
>>> partitions. ... and don't forget to configure IPv6, according to
>>> statistics provided by Google, 1/3 of their users use IPv6.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Georgi
>> If you read the part of my message I've left you'll see that :
>> 1st, I'm using a OVH server but it's provided by one-provider, so the
>> interface (aka Wizard) ain't the same.
>> 2nd, I am asking how to do something using command line interface. So
>> don,t tell me "Hey dude, use a wizard".
>> 3rd, regarding contacting tech support. You really think it's OVH's job
>> to explain to me how to install OS using network boot and a shell
>> interface ? I doubt....
>> Just a little hint for life... If someone is telling you, I'm fucked
>> using a CLI and they seem to have a basic knowledge of what they are
>> doing. Then think twice and you'll get in your mind that they've already
>> exhausted the easy one of using a click and poop solution like a wizard.
> Dear Polyna-Maude,
> I'm very sorry if I have made you feel bad.
> I have not used dedicated servers for years so excuse me for not being
> familiar with OVH or whatever company you use for VPS or dedicated
> servers. My point is that there should be something like configurator
> (wizard, template or whatever) what has to help you to do initial
> configuration of OS - partitions, RAID level, network configuration and
> minimal OS installation, and - yes - if that is not Debian installer
> then yes - you can ask technical support to provide information for the
> tool they use.
> Kind regards
> Georgi

You must also have a huge need to answer question without reading what
they are.

I ain't using the Debian installer because I don't have access to the
KVM (Keyboard, Mouse, etc).

So if you read back my message.
I boot using a rescue system over the network.
I do my partition.
I make the filesystem.
I mount.
I use debootstrap.
And after I need to configure boot, this is where it blocks.

Got it now ?

So how useful is your answer to use "the wizard in the installer ?".
And no there's no configuration helper (said it for the 3rd time now).

If you can't help... Just a hint, do same as I do, you let other people
Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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