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Re: Ownership and permissions on /run/user/601/doc ???

=?UTF-8?Q?Markus_Sch=c3=b6nhaber?= writes:
> 01.06.21, 17:28 +0200, John Conover:
> > Peculiar ownership and permissions on /run/user/601/doc:
> > 
> >     d?????????  ? ?    ?       ?            ? doc/
> > 
> > and it can not be changed as root.
> > 
> > Logging out, then in, same thing.
> > 
> > Any help on fixing it would be greatly appreciated.
> There's likely nothing to fix. This is how the mount point of some FUSE
> filesystems look when viewed from someone else as the owner.
> In your case, try to look at it as the user with id 601.

This issue was found this AM from updatedb(1), (cron job.) All my
machines have changed the same way after after yesterday's apt-get
update, (xdg maybe?)

On another machine, (they are all the same, as close as I can make
them,) after booting and logging in, ls -al /run/user/601, the doc/

    dr-x------  2 theuser users   0 Dec 31  1969 doc/

Then running updatedb, and ls -al /run/user/601:

    d?????????  ? ?    ?       ?            ? doc/


    /run/user/601/doc               /dev/fuse  fuse    rw,nosuid,nodev,relatim


John Conover, conover@rahul.net, http://www.johncon.com/

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