Re: debian-user list info and guidelines (FAQ) - posted monthly
On Sat, May 01, 2021 at 03:17:39AM -0700, Weaver wrote:
I can recall days when I'd get 300 mails or more, but that was when the
attitude was it was a list for Debian users, and not just a list for
Debian issues.
So can I. The list has definitely got quieter in the last 20 years.
Perhaps the prissy and politically correct simply don't have it right?
I don't think you can attribute the list die-off to the introduction of
the CoC. You could equally surmise that the kind of behaviour that the
CoC forbids -- which used to be rampant -- has driven people away. But
the list die-off started long before the CoC was introduced. I suspect
it's simply that more and more users go elsewhere to places like Reddit,
rather than dusty old mailing lists.
Please do not CC me, I am subscribed to the list.
👱🏻 Jonathan Dowland
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