Re: Google vs. DDG (was: Social-media antipathy)
On Sonntag, 2. Mai 2021 07:20:03 -04 Michael Lange wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, 02 May 2021 12:57:59 +0200
> deloptes <> wrote:
> (...)
> > I'm sorry guys, but DDG is another joke. For example I wanted to
> > know
> > what is Stieglitz in German - it is kind of bird, but I wanted to
> > know how it looks like. DDG results did not even come close to a
> > bird.
> this I cannot reproduce here. Searching for "Stieglitz" DDG shows me
> as the first result ,
> followed by other bird-related pages in German. Switching to DDG's
> image search I get a whole page with photos of these cute beasts.
> Regards
> Michael
same here and "Stieglitz bird" brings up photos of the bird, the
translation into "European Goldfinch" and the link to "European Goldfinch
- Wikipedia".
It all seems to require a little bit more effort to put into the search
to get what I want from DDG while I usually have to put more effort into
Google-searches to tell Google that I don't want what it "thinks" that I
want - e.g. it "thinks" that I want everything in Spanish and seems to
ignore completely that the country of my residence is a multilingual
country with at least 4 main languages and many others, which are
natively spoken by significant parts of the population.
But as soon as I succeed convincing Google that I want English or Dutch
or German or Portuguese then I am able to extract what I want.
In this line National Geographic is far worse than Google.
Just for once try to get an English edition subscription in a country
which NatGeo considers Spanish-speaking.
Eike Lantzsch ZP6CGE
01726 Asuncion / Paraguay
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