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Re: how to record sound to mp3

On Thu 25 Mar 2021 at 12:20:56 (+0000), Long Wind wrote:

> now i modify my requirement to how to use arecord to record sound being played to wav file

That makes it easier as there's less work for the CPU to do.

> i use buster, how to set default sound recording source?

One way is to run alsamixer in an xterm.
Help is in the top-right corner.

$ arecord -l   will give you a list of capture devices.

To record, you could type, for example, in another xterm:

$ arecord -d 10 -f cd -v -v -v -D plughw:0,0 /tmp/audiofile.wav

where 10 gives you ten seconds; 0 gives you infinite (^C to stop),
      cd gives higher quality (44100) than the default,
      dat would give you the more modern 48000,
      -v … gives a crude VU meter,
      0,0 is the bit you have to determine from   arecord -l
        ⮤ device
      ⮤ card (usually 0, but matters if you have, say, PCH and HDMI).

While arecord is running, you can play with the sliders for levels,
including monitoring with speakers/headphones, and changing the
capture device with <SPACE BAR>.

> in early debian distro (stretch?) sound mixer can be used to set recording source

Yes, I used to use aumix, but that's OSS (passé), not ALSA.

> PS: i use twm, i'm afraid that gnome recorder isn't good choice for me

If you can't get ALSA to work, you might have to use pulseaudio instead.
I believe that can overcome a card's limitations through software.


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