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Re: ifneq problem

On 2021-03-22 at 06:33, Richard Forst wrote:

> I have a Makefile used to check whether svn command existing or not.
> The content is below

I'm not remotely a make expert (not even really familiar with make,
except to read it), but a couple of questions do occur to me.

(I also look at this and think "okay, this seems way too complicated for
such a simple goal, you've got to be doing it wrong somehow" - but I
don't know make well enough to actually make that determination, much
less propose a better way in make, so it's entirely possible that I'm wrong.

That said, I think the usual practice is to test for command existence
et cetera in a configure script, use that to define variables, and have
the make call reference those variables.)

> all:
>         $(eval svnbin=$(shell basename $(shell which svn)))

There's no 'shell' command in my environment. Is this a make-ism I'm not
familiar with, or do you have something set up we're not seeing?

>         $(info X$(svnbin)Y)
>         $(echo X$(svnbin)Y)
> ifneq ($(strip $(svnbin)),svn)

What are you expecting this to do ?

In my environment, 'strip' is the program which strips debugging symbols
(et cetera) from compiled object files (usually meaning ELF-format
executables or libraries), and wouldn't output anything suitable for
comparing for equality to the string 'svn'.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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