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Re: MATE/Compiz

But how do I automate that so Compiz starts every time I log in?

Hi. I am not familiar with compiz, but here are some ideas.

All modern DEs support xdg autostart spec: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-latest.html#startup
So you can create .desktop file that will be launched automatically when you login.
System-wide location is /etc/xdg/autostart, but I prefer local:

Here is how you can launch xcalc on each login:

$ cat ~/.config/autostart/xcalc.desktop
[Desktop Entry]

Try to do the same with compiz --replace.
Chances are high that you already have this file in "/usr/share/applications/compiz-start.desktop", so you can simply copy or link (ln -s) it.

Another approach is to install it as an alternative for x-window-manager, but this hasn't been done by package maintainer, so there should be some reasons not to do that..


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