Re: FVWM title bar information......
On Fri 05 Feb 2021 at 09:23:43 (+1100), Charlie wrote:
> Using FVWM on Debian Bullseye.
> Sometimes [too often] I click on something and reduce a terminal window
> to just the title bar alone.
> Infuriating, because it catches me unawares and I don't realise what I
> did. Googling every time it is done trying to find a way back has
> failed. I obviously don't know the terminology of this action to
> pinpoint anything about it in a search engine.
> If someone can please tell me the term I am looking for, or as link, or
> give me the solutions as to:
> what I do to make this happen, and
> how do I reverse it
Shading is normally an unbound option near the bottom of the WindowOPs
menu and it toggles. Like you, I only invoke it accidentally.
I get the WindowOPs menu with mouse button 2 in the root window.
If you want to bind it, the command is called WindowShade.
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