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Re: Joining Bullseye to Zentyal AD [SOLVED]

Il 28/01/21 01:26, Tibz Loufok ha scritto:
red hat guide.

I used realmd and sssd.

put sssd in debug mode.

Putting sssd in debug mode was the key. My system was missing a /etc/krb5.conf file and then a few other things (needed to mount the shared folders, but that's another story).

I wonder why /etc/krb5.conf is not mentioned in the guides I followed and how could those guides work for the respective authors without it... maybe sssd was supposed to do something that replaced krb5.conf, but in recent releases (I'm using Debian sid) it doesn't do that something anymore?

I don't know, but I'm wondering just out of curiosity, because it's working now and that's all I needed.

Thank you very much indeed.

Le jeu. 28 janv. 2021 à 00:36, Lucio Crusca <lucio@sulweb.org <mailto:lucio@sulweb.org>> a écrit :

    I've tried following a few guides




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