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Re: Building my own packages

deloptes wrote:
> > The problem is I don't need a ton of information :-) I need to hear from
> > someone who has already done that for themselves: "I use such and such
> > tools, and publish my repo this way..."
> Well, I use debuild to build and reprepro to maintain a local repository of
> former KDE3 now called TDE.

I've already tried reprepro and it seems to do its job well in publishing
the packages I feed to it. Now it's building time.

> I do not build automatically but from time to time I pull changes and build
> the packages. Because there are dependencies it depends which package
> changes this affects other packages. For that reason I created a Makefile
> (actually few of them that complement each other).
> You have to rebuild all dependencies if you rebuild one package. You simply
> can not just build and replace a package in production environment without
> testing it, making a backup or whatever.

There lies the point which I don't completely understand yet. If I want
to build a php or exim4 package with my own build options, to what
extent should I also build their dependencies? And how do I name those
packages so that they coexist with the default Debian ones?

OTOH, sometimes I would want my package (e.g. tcpdump with my patch) to
override Debian's one.

> I guess the answer to your question is that there is no such out of the box
> tool, but you need something specific to your setup.

Pity. I wonder what those people and companies use who publish their own
repos/products for Debian (Hashicorp, PostgreSQL, Zabbix etc).

> Also consider the number of debian packages - You surely need a small
> subset - again you have to configure this for yourself.
> I guess all here would agree that with the release model of Debian you have
> a lot of freedom (stable-testing-experimental) to save time on rebuilding
> packages, otherwise it is called Gentoo.

Can I use some of the Gentoo ecosystem on Debian, for a few selected
packages? Or maybe snap is for me?

> On top of that don't forget that debian packages include patches and fixes
> specific to debian.

I hoped to download Debian's source packages (already including all
Debian-specific stuff) and just rebuild them with minimal

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
2:5005/49@fidonet http://vas.tomsk.ru/

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