Re: Use of ^Hi^Hn^Hs^Ht^Ha^Hl^Hl^He^Hr^H'^Hs interactive shells on tty1-tty4
Stefan Monnier composed on 2020-09-14 13:11 (UTC-0400):
> My recent experience is that I'm unable to predict which VC will be used
> for what any more (it used to be that the GUI sessions were in F7 and
> up, but nowadays it's usually F2 and up, tho on some of my machines it
> seems it's still F7 and up, ... go figure), so I just try them in
> sequence until I find one that seems to show me what I'm looking for.
Which DEs?
Gnome/GDM as default on Fedora led the change. KDE/SDDM did not follow GDM's lead.
On those still using 7 for the GUI, 1 has acquired one or two behavioral
differences from 2-6. I always use 2 & 3, avoiding 1, a practice inherited from my
desire to leave init text untouched unless I run out of ttys and need a sixth.
Evolution as taught in public schools, like religion,
is based on faith, not on science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata ***
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