Re: Slow SSH over WLAN? How to check?
On Saturday, September 05, 2020 10:35:24 AM Lee wrote:
> On 9/3/20, riveravaldez <> wrote:
> > What could I do to check/test the health/performance of the connection
> > in order to diagnose if there's effectively a problem?
> You can use iperf to see how bad wireless thruput is. LinSSID
> is an easy way to find a relatively open wireless channel.
> Then there's spectrum analyzers that show how much noise/interference
> there is on wireless.. but they cost money and other than moving your
> laptop or AP somewhere else there isn't a whole lot you can do about
> interference :( I suspect you'd be better off spending your money on
> a better wireless card or a better AP.
Or, installing some Cat 5 or 6 cable, possibly in combination with some
additional WiFi WAPs in strategic locations.
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